Read the Sentence the Pea Green Sofa

Grammar role. Gerund / Participle

Exercise 1.Read the sentences, translate them into Russian, state the function

a) of the Gerund

1. Spending your free fourth dimension is better in one of the dark-green parks. 2. The United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland continues succeeding in commerce. 3. All well- known streets in London, such as Whitehall, Downing Street, Fleet Street, are worth seeing. 4. We can�t speak most Northern Ireland without mentioning Southern Ireland, an independent democracy. five.1 liked the thought of visiting the upper-case letter of Wales, Cardiff. vi, Designing St. Paul�s Cathedral was washed by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren. vii. Christopher Wren started rebuilding the churches of London after the Corking Fire of 1666. 8. Many rich people like spending their free time in the West Terminate. nine. Later reading the fable I can explain why the shamrock is the national emblem of Northern Republic of ireland. 10. They accept the wish of spending their free time in the mountains.

b) of the Participle I and Participle Two

1. They were spending their gratuitous time in the gym. 2. The books were chosen by them in the library. three. The boy ownership a disc is my student. 4. They watched the flying birds in the sky. 5. I want to visit an English language-speaking country. 6. The voice communication was understood by them. 7. The strange language studied by united states of america is English. viii. He saw her while crossing the street. nine. Nosotros alive in the new built firm. x. If prepared by mother the dinner is always proficient.

Do 2.Fill in the post-obit sentences, using the gerund or infinitive. In cases when along with gerund may use the infinitive, put in brackets after the infinitive gerund:

i. I couldn�t help ... . 2. I am tired of ... . 3. He left the room without ... .4. At concluding nosotros succeeded in ... . 5. She was prevented from ... . 6. I gave up ... . 7. He went to the club instead of ... . viii. You should avert ... . ix. He read the newspaper before ... . 10. He has no intention of .... 11. She is very addicted of ... . 12. He likes ... . thirteen. He started ... . 14. She enjoys ... . xv. Take you finished ... ? xvi. I could non prevent him from ... . 17. I am proud of ... . eighteen. He went to bed later on ... . 19. They are engaged in ... . 20. It is worthwhile ... . 21. When I entered the room, the children stopped ... . 22, I ought to apologize for ... . 23. He began his working day by ... . 24. There is no probability of ... . 25. You can assist me by ... . 26. He looked at me without ... . 27. I had my breakfast before ... . 28. Information technology is rather cold to-day; is it worthwhile ... ? 29. He has improved his pronunciation by ... . xxx. As the children were listening attentively, I continued ... . 31. He objects to ... . 32. Final yr he spent a lot of time in ... . 33. He has begun ... . 34. He raised his lid on ... . 35. He was accused of ... . 36. Cheers for ... . 37. I can�t afford ... . 38. They have no intention of ... . 39. He stopped ... .

Exercise iii. Put the verb in brackets into gerund form and put in front of him corresponding preposition:

1. I take no intention ... (to stay) here whatsoever longer. 2. She insisted ... (to help) me. 3. Are you lot addicted ... (to play) chess? 4. He has had very much experience ... (to teach). five. In that location is no possibility ... (to find) his address. half dozen. There is picayune chance ... (to run into) her to-day. 7. We have the pleasure ... (to send) yous our catalogues. 8. I call up ... (to go) to the south in the summer.9. He is afraid ... (to catch) common cold. x. I am proud ... (to have) such a son. 11. The rain* prevented me ... (to come up). 12. He is engaged ... (to write) a book. 13. They had very much difficulty ... (to notice) the house.

Do 4.Replace clauses turnover with gerund, putting, where required, the appropriate preposition:

A. ane. When I received the telegram, I started home at one time. 2. You may avoid many mistakes, if you observe these rules. three. When he entered the room, he greeted everybody. 4. Afterwards they had saturday there a few minutes, they continued their journey. 5. While he was copying the text, he fabricated a few mistakes. 6. I am thankful that I have been stopped in time. seven. I remember that I have read this volume. 8. Subsequently she had tried all the keys on the ring, she finally found the right one. ix. He is proud that he has never been beaten at chess by his boyfriend students. 10. I don�t remember that I have ever come across his proper name before. 11. His arm was not in a sling and showed no sign that it had been injured. 12. You lot can improve your knowledge of English if yous read more.

B. 1. Do y'all mind if I close the window? 2. The doctor insisted that I should stay at abode. three. Will you object if I fume hither? 4. At that place is a probability that he volition be appointed chief engineer at our found. 5. There is no chance that they will call on us to-nighttime. 6. There is no possibility that we shall see him this calendar week. 7. There is no promise that you will receive a letter of the alphabet from him shortly. viii. Nosotros were informed that the ship had arrived at the port. 9. Yous will excuse me if I ask you again. 10. We insisted that he should come up with us. 11. Would you mind if he came to your lecture? 12. I take heard that your son has been awarded the Gild of the Red Banner. 13.There is no fear that I shall forget.

Practice 5. Interpret into Russian:

A. I. The storm prevented the ship from reaching the port in time. 2. Accept you the means of helping him now? 3. He did non like being read to. 4. Exist careful in crossing the street. 5. This prevented the alphabetic character from beingness sent off. 6. She was quire disappointed at non seeing them there again. 7. Swimming against the current was hard and unsafe work. 8. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 9. He enjoyed sleeping in the open air. 10. Later sleeping for near an hour he was awakened by a loud dissonance. 11. I dislike borrowing things from people. 12. Before signing the contract he wanted to get the approval of the chairman. xiii. There was no chance of finding a vessel of the required size. 14. The sellers were informed of the importance of preparing the goods for shipment immediately. 15. Upon receiving the charterer�southward orders he communicated them to the helm of the vessel. 16. Before sailing the captain was instructed to accept some bunker coal in Odessa. 17. The steamer went to Odessa for certain repairs before proceeding to her port of loading. 18. The steamer left the port without having taken sufficient bunker coal on board. xix. The arbitrators plant that the ship-owners had not exercised due diligence by assuasive the steamer to start without sufficient bunker coal. 20. After passing the Panama Canal the captain institute that he had non enough coal left to enable him to achieve the port of discharge, and he appropriately altered his form with the object of obtaining coal at a Jamaican port. 21. The cost of repairing the impairment sustained by the steamer through being delayed in the water ice is estimated at 4,000 roubles. 22. Extensions are being fabricated to the factory with a view to increasing the output.

B.i. In that location is a probability of Educatee Petrov�s being sent to Moscow. 2. Our meeting him in that location was a pleasant surprise. 3. She wrote the letter without my knowing information technology. 4. There is no excuse for his doing such a thing, 5. I haven�t heard of his having been offered the mail service of managing director at the new factory. 6. Their leaving before the end of the concert attracted attention. 7. We insisted on the goods being packed in double bags. 8. Nosotros objected to the ore being shipped in bulk. 9. They informed us of the vessel having left the port. x. We have heard of an agreement having been reached. xi. Can you depend on their executing the order carefully? 12. The buyers had not the right to transfer their rights and obligations under the contract without the sellers� consent being previously obtained. 13. There is piffling likelihood of the goods remaining unsold after the 15th of September. 14. The loss resulted from the vessel being prevented from loading a full cargo. 15. The works informed the buyers that the machine could be dispatched in August subject area to the works receiving the gild within 15 days from the date of the letter. sixteen. In the event of the vessel being delayed beyond the time provided for in the Charter Party, the charterers accept to pay the send-owners demurrage. 17. If after the vessel�southward arrival at the port of loading there is danger of the vessel beingness frozen in, the captain shall have the right to go out without cargo. 18. In the event of the steamer being ordered to three ports of discharge, the charge per unit, of freight volition be increased by i shilling per ton. 19. In the event of more than one shipment being fabricated, each shipment is to be considered a separate contract.

Practise 6. Write a simple grade of the Participles (Present and By Participle) by following verbs:

to stop, to cut, to forget, to begin, to order, to study, to open, to play, to develop, to write, to give, to lie.

Practise 7. Translate into Russian:

Asking, asked; importing, imported; doing, done; reading, read; meeting, met; describing, described; receiving, received; losing, lost; sending, sent; producing, produced; opening, opened; giving, given; selling, sold; repeating, repeated.

Walking, left, promising, invited, shown, waiting, translated, sent, closing, copied, studying, speaking, forgotten, inviting, manufactured, showing, taking part, translated, telling, sending, airtight, copying, studied.

Exercise 8. Interpret into Russian, specifying the form of the participle, and define its functions:

A. 1. The article on agriculture published in this magazine was written by Comrade P, 2. While examining the cases discharged from the ship, he noticed that some of them were broken. 3.The boy playing in the garden is my sis�s son. iv. What practise you call a ship built for the transportation of timber? 5. Y'all can get the book recommended by our instructor in the library.six. He asked her to go along with her story, promising not to interrupt her over again. vii. Not receiving any letters from her father, she sent him a telegram. viii. The books lying on the table belong to Comrade A. 9. The textile goods produced by the factory are in great need. x. He left the function at three o�clock, saying he would be dorsum at 5. 11. The steamship "Clyde�, belonging to Smith & Co., was chartered by �Exportkhleb� for the transportation of wheat sold to a British firm in Liverpool. 12, He stood leaning confronting the tree. 13. He lay on the sofa reading a newspaper. xiv. Seeing her he raised his hat. 15. Signing the alphabetic character the manager gave it to the secretary asking her to send it off at once. 16. Informed of the arrival of the vessel, they sent their agent to the port.

B. one. I have looked through the listing of prices sent. 2. In one of the plants visited, the delegates were shown new types of equipment. three. The quality of the goods is in accordance with the specification enclosed. four. The price mentioned was v per cent lower than that which had been paid under the previous contract. 5. The goods required could not exist shipped immediately. 6. The following table shows the position of each of the London immigration banks in August on the date indicated. vii. 1 of the near noticeable features of air transport development is the big increment in the quantities of freight carried. viii. The quantity of timber shipped was in accordance with the terms of the contract. nine. The buyers agreed to pay the amount of the invoice confronting the documents presented. ten. The sellers refused to reduce the prices quoted and the buyers declined the offer. xi. It was agreed betwixt the transport-owners and the charterers that the latter should deposit with the State Bank of Russia the amount claimed. 12. Payment for the appurtenances bought was made in Moscow.

Lesson 25.

Grammar Do "Non-personal forms of the verb."

Do 1. Transform these sentences according to the

models to practice the utilize:

a) of the Infinitive

Model: The community and traditions which nosotros should study are very interesting.

The customs and traditions to be studied past us are very interesting.

1. The museum, which they should visit, is far from here.

one. The book, which the students should read, is interesting.

2. The written report, which I should prepare, is virtually the climate of this land. 4. The band, which he should present, is very beautiful. 5. The sweater, which she should knit, is of the white colour.

b) of the Gerund

Model: To spend your free time is better in one of the parks of the West End.

Spending your free time is better in 1 of the parks of the Westward End.

1. Christopher Wren finished to build St. Paul�due south Cathedral in 1701. ii. A Scottish person should listen advisedly if he wants to understand a Londoner. 3. The United kingdom continues to succeed in commerce. 4. The English people have the addiction to name the East End � the hands of London. 5. The Urban center succeeds to remain the financial centre of the U.k..

c) of the Participle I

Model: When he was walking in the park, he met his friends (When) Walking in the park, he met his friends.

After they had visited the museum, they went home.

Having visited the museum, they went home.

one. When he was in Washington, D. C., he visited the Lincoln Memorial. 2. While you lot are walking forth the streets of Washington, you tin can detect the �Center Street�. 3. When y'all are finding your mode around Washington y'all can apply your logic. 4. Afterwards he had chosen the place for the capital, he began to program it carefully. v. After she had written a letter, she went to the mail service-office.

d) of the Participle Two

Model: Though he was non prepared well, he could answer that question.

Though not prepared well, he could answer that question.

ane. When the letter was written, information technology was sent to Moscow. two. If you are invited to the party, you should come in time. 3. As he was asked, he brought his article. 4. Though he was invited he did not come to the party. 5. When the book was translated into the Russian linguistic communication, it was read with smashing interest.

Exercise ii. Fill in gaps to practise the use of the exact

(the verb is given in brackets at the terminate of each sentence).

a) the Infinitive

1. People tin ... different hobbies (to enjoy). 2. A hobby offers a way ... after periods of hard work (to relax). iii. Music may ... singing, playing an instrument, collecting records, etc. (to include). iv. Some people use kits ... model aero planes, boats, and trains (to make). 5. Many people like ... things (to collect).

b) the Gerund

1. Many houses in Glasgow need ..., because they are non suitable for ... (rebuild, live). two. After ... wars of the Roses between two houses: Business firm of York and Business firm of Lancaster in the 15th century, a red rose became the national emblem of England (wage). 3. On ... the daffodil and the leek as national emblems of Wales, many Welshmen began ... either a daffodil or a leek on their jackets (choose, wear). four. Ch. Wren invented new means of... traditional English materials of building (apply). 5. Every night at 10 p. m. at the Tower of London the ceremony of... the Tower for the night takes place (shut).

c) the Participle I, the Participle II

1. The male child ... a disc is my student (buy). 2. The distance ... past him is very long (run). 3. The composition was ... by the students (write). 4. The students were ... a composition (write). 5. When ... she brought some books (inquire). 6. When ... this book he constitute much interesting information (read). vii. He saw the ... bird in the heaven (wing). 8. ... from the academy, he began to work in this joint venture (graduate). nine. We were drinking tea her (make). ten. My grandmother lives in the business firm ... in 1990 (build).

Exercise 3. Make upward sentences co-ordinate to the models

to practice the utilize:

a) of the Infinitive

Model: ����� ����� ����� �������, �� ������ ������ ������ ������������ ����.

�� know the history better, you must read more historical books.

ane. ����� ������ ����� ���� ������, �� ������ ����� �� ������ � ��������. 2. ����� ����������� ���� ������, �� ������ ����� � ����������. 3. ����� ������ ����� ���������, �� ������ ������� �����. 4. ����� ��������� � ���� �����������, �� ������ ������ �������������. 5. ����� �������� ������� ������, � ������ ������� �������.

b) of the Gerund

Model: �� �� ����� ��������� ������, �� �������� � �� ������� (��� ���������� �������).

We tin�t describe the country without mentioning its surface.

one. ������ ������ �������� � ������ ������, �� ������ ��� �������. ii. ������ ������� ���������� ����, �� ������� ������������ ������. 3. ����� ��������� �������� ����� ������ �� ���� ����� �� ����� ������� � ������, �� ������� �������. 4. ���������� ���������� � �������, �� �������� � ���� ����� ���������� �������. five. ���������� ����������� ������ ��� �����.

c) of the Participle I

Model: �����, ������ � ������, ��� ����� ��������.

The wind, blowing from the north, was very cold.

1. ���������, ��������� �� ���� �����, ����� �������� ������. 2. ����������, ���������� ��������� ����, ��������� �� ������. three. ����, ����������� � �����, ����� �������. four. ������������ ������, ����������� �����, ���������� �������� (rapid). v. �� ����� ��� ���������� �����, �������������� ���������� �������������� ������.

d) of the Participle II

Model: ������� ��� ���������, ������� ���� ������� (���������) � ����� ������� ����������, ���� ��������� ������������.

Washington, D. �., named in the first president's honor, was carefully planned.

A. one. ���������� ���� ������ ��� ������� ������, �� % ������� �������� � ���. 2. �����, ������� ��������� ������������� ��������, ����� ��������. 3. ������������ ������, ������������ ��������, ��������� �����.

B. 1. �����, ��������� ��. ����������� ��� ������� ���, ���� ����� ������� �������� � ��������. 5. ��������� ����� ������� ���������� ������, ������� ������� ������.

Exercise 4. Analyze the utilise of the verbal in the following proverbs and sayings:

one) Meliorate to exercise well than to say well. 2) Early to bed and early on to rise makes a human healthy, wealthy, and wise. 3) It is never as well tardily to learn. 4) Bum not your house to rid it of the mouse. 5) To exist born with a argent spoon in one�s oral cavity.

half dozen) Seeing is believing. 7) By asking ane comes to Rome. viii) Saying is 1 thing and doing some other. 9) Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming. x) If you want a thing well done, do information technology yourself. eleven) Easier said than done. 12) Keep your oral fissure shut and your ears widely open up. 13) Lost time is never plant again.

14) Rome was not congenital in a mean solar day. 15) Long absent-minded � shortly forgotten.

Practise 5. Make infinitives (add �to�) or gerunds (add together �-ing�) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

ane. When I�m tired, I enjoy ... telly. It�s relaxing. (watch) two. It was a dainty day, so we decided ... for a walk. (get) iii. Information technology�s a squeamish day. Does anyone fancy ... for a walk? (go) 4. I�1000 non in a hurry. I don�t mind ... (wait) 5. They don�t have much coin. They can�t afford ... out very often. (go) 6. I wish that dog would stop ... It�s driving me mad. (bawl) 7. Our neighbor threatened ... the police if nosotros didn�t stop the noise. (call) 8. We were hungry, and then I suggested ... dinner early. (have)

9. Hurry up! I don�t want to risk ... the train. (miss) 10. I�m yet looking for a chore but I hope ... something soon. (find)

Exercise 6. Complete the post-obit sentences with infinitives (add �to�) or gerunds (add �-ing�) of the verbs below to make them grammatically right.

one. He tried to avoid ... my question. two. Could you delight finish ... so much noise?

three. I savour ... to music. iv. I considered ... for the task but in the end I decided confronting it. v. Accept y'all finished ... your hair withal? vi. If you walk into the route without looking, you risk ... knocked down. 7. Jim is 65 but he isn�t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on .... 8. I don�t listen you ... the phone as long as you lot pay for all your calls. 9. Hello! Fancy ... you here! What a surprise! 10. I�ve put off ... the letter so many times. I really must do information technology today. 11. What a stupid thing to do! Can y'all imagine anybody ... so stupid? 12. Sarah gave up ... to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

Exercise 7. Make infinitives (with or without �to�) or gerunds (add �-ing�) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

1. She doesn�t let ... in the firm. (smoke) 2. I�ve never been to Iceland but I�d like ... there. (go) iii. I�m in a hard position. What exercise you lot suggest me ...? (do)

4. She said the letter was personal and wouldn�t permit me (read) v. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed ... (go) 6. Where would yous recommend me ... for my holidays? (become) 7. I wouldn�t recommend ... in that restaurant. The food is awful. (eat) eight. The moving-picture show was very pitiful. It made me ... (cry) nine. Carol�south parents e'er encouraged her ... hard at school. (study).

Practice 8. Translate into Russian:

A. one. The devaluation of the pound sterling is known to have led to a rise in the prices of all goods imported into England. 2. The opening of the conference is understood to have been fixed for the 15th December. 3. The price of this metal in England is stated to have risen by 11.6 per cent, in September, 1956. 4. Imports of copper into that state in October, 1954 were stated to be 22,441 tons. v. A great number of inventions is known to have been suppressed by monopolistic industrial associations in capitalist countries. 6. Paper bags are said to requite amend protection confronting frost than jute numberless. 7. Many million tons of coal reserves are known to exist in that commune. 8. Two shiploads of ore expected to arrive shortly will exist sent to that works.9. The experiment, which is believed to take proved most successful, will be discussed at the conference.

B. ane. �� seems to know all most this matter. 2. The question appears to be of smashing importance to them. three. The results of the examination seemed to have disappointed them. four. He seemed to want to exercise it himself. v. He didn�t appear to be surprised at this news. half-dozen. The goods don�t appear to have been packed very advisedly. seven. He doesn�t seem to have been discouraged by his failure. 8. She seemed to have been waiting for a long time. 9. He happened to expect in that direction and saw a man run out of the house. x. The plan proved to exist a cracking success. 11. She happens to know him. 12. I happened to leave my office early that solar day. 13. My friend seems to exist having a adept time at the seaside. 14. They seem to be waiting for you downstairs. 15. This plant seems to have been producing such equipment since 1946. sixteen. There seem to be no objections to their proposal. 17. There appear to exist other methods of making this examination.18. There seemed to be many obstacles in their way. 19. In that location proved to be another solution of the problem. 20. There happened to be a surgeon amongst them.



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